Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the questions we are often asked.

  • Our Pastors and other worship leaders spend several hours each week designing a worship experience that will lead people of all ages and stages in life to connect with God. It's our heart's desire that you come and experience Christ and are encouraged and challenged in your faith.

    Our style is unique to our church and we describe it as authentic-from-the-heart-worship. You might hear a traditional hymn coupled with a few contemporary praise songs alongside a song you’ve never heard before. 

    The majority of teaching/preaching is done by Senior Pastor. His messages are always practical and relevant with plenty of Biblical truth and just the right amount of humor.  If you have a Bible, bring it with you to worship. If not, or if you forget yours, Bibles are available in the Worship Center seats for you to use or take home.

    The Sunday morning worship service begin promptly at 10:15am and last approximately 60 minutes, which means you'll have plenty of time for lunch with the family and friends!

  • You will never be put on the spot, singled-out, or embarrassed in any way in our services. If you wish to have additional information about First Baptist Church, you can provide some basic information on our Connection Card and drop it in the offering plate. We do receive an offering during our Sunday morning service, but we do not want our guests to feel obligated to give.

  • Whatever you feel comfortable in. People wear everything from business casual to jeans. Feel free to leave the suit and tie or high heel shoes at home. It’s okay.

  • You will discover excellent preschool and children’s ministries at First Stuttgart. A fully staffed nursery is available for bed babies through 3 years. When you check your child into the nursery you will be given a pager which provides security and allows our nursery volunteers to contact you if needed. Rest assured your child will be well cared for and loved during your absence. During the worship service, our children’s wing is securely locked with an automated security system. Only those with security codes have access during this time.

  • If you have a 7th-12th grade student, check out our student page.